July 6, 2023 | Future of this Blog.

Salutation to the reader. I have not published in this blog in a long time due to personal life being busy. I want to continue sharing content on this blog regarding my life here in this subdivision along with evidence I want to upload and be done with.

With little to no success with trying to receive help or media attention, I may finish the blog posts that I believe the public should know and leave this domain on hiatus. I continue to want to receive justice for my household and the dogs I tried hard bringing attention that were being abused by Jarod Williams and his relatives.

If my post can reach any eyes and ears, I ask on what to do if I contacted PETA, Independent animal rights organizations, Georgia police and the news and was not helped trying to expose an animal abuser. I am certain those people found this blog since I made the domain public to find by search engine, so if any harm happens to me and my residence they were mostly involved.

I give my thanks to the reader who read this far.

Prayer Request.

Salutation to the reader, I hope your day is peaceful. As there are but 13 hours left in 2021, I ask for a favor for the viewer. My faith has diminished, but I do believe there is power in prayer. May I ask for other Christians to please pray that my household to receive justice and that we are able to move from this subdivision, Lakes of Kilkenny?

Since me and my relatives moved to this area in April 2009, this subdivision brought sinister energy and violence. A woman named Jameelah Qureshi was murdered a few houses from me in August 2009, four months after being here. I was in my room when I heard those loud gunshots, then a vehicle speed off in the distance. I felt uneasy after that, but not as severely as when we encountered these evil and demented renters who moved across the street. If the reader has the time, please read.

Conswala Williams
Gregory Armstrong
Demonte Kenard Williams
Carolyn Nicole Hoard
Jarod Demon Williams
Dazjah Williams
Daquez Johnson
Jeremiah Williams

Since fate had our paths cross, I had not ever forgotten when these people did to my relatives and I. The sleep we loss, and the trauma that I experienced from the ordeal of our house shot and the police refusing to care.

In mid-late 2012, we noticed that our ADT sign was stolen and later seen across the street where the new renters were. That was our first introduction to how these individuals were. June 2013 brought more unwanted interactions when one of the youngest neighbors named Carolyn Hoard and her guests were watching a then teenager named Aundre Brooks use a lawnmower across our driveway. Here are two screenshots from my mother’s old phone with the timestamp as proof. This was when we did not own the smartphones we have now and when we did not own security cameras. The police was called once Hoard and her friends began throwing rocks at our windows.

Conflict and unwanted encounters began to escalate after this, such Hoard’s brother Demonte was heard in our backyard laughing and running away, or their guests sitting near our driveway. My house concluded we did not want these people near our property again, and had warn these individuals more than once. They would sit near our mailbox or on our driveway to play basketball in the street, and we would demand these people to stop coming on our property after what happened before.

Then came death threats, Demonte making shooting gestures toward us and his older brother Daquez making machine gun noises when we were outside. Aundre Brooks riding a bicycle to shout slurs to my brother and death threats. My sister caught Daquez walking away from our mailbox in late 2013. Because so many incidents happened off camera, this was hard to prove to the police who constantly told us to “next time catch the crime on camera so we can prosecute the criminals.” Us reporting harassment, these renters tossing trash or a used condom on our driveway was enough, we had to catch the crime on camera to prove our claims.

When we learned of the children names (Carolyn/Daquez/Demonte/Dazjah) and their mother’s name Conswala, we learned they were on with HUD program and doing many violations including leaving litter on the streets and homeowner’s property. We reported the littering violations and the violent behavior they were increasingly showing to my relatives. Making phone calls to report HUD violations resulted in our house being shot on November 29, 2013.

Despite my sister traced the shooters by following a trail back to one house, the police did not further investigate.

Here on May 27, 2014, Carolyn Hoard a boy we do not know (I later learned who is Marcus Alan Butler from his Twitter) began making death threats and trying to provoke my brother to fight them.

I have a lot to type, so I do not want to be verbose in my blog. Our story has been active since 2013, so I can not type all that happened. Please, please pray that what happened to us be shared more and the people who tried to murder us be arrested and exposed.

  • Pray that their friends who were involved be exposed like Tyrel Brown, Nuru Tinch, Steven Matthews and Nicholas A. Stewart.
  • The food stamps fraud that they bragged on since 2014, and selling to other people when they flash large amount of money on social media.
  • The animal abuse Jarod Williams has done on his Instagram, and sharing pictures of dead dogs.

Man who abused his dogs misuse food stamps on Instagram.

Greetings, I want to share what I noticed from the renters who shot my mother’s house. When they were once in living in this area, the individuals would openly bragged on having food stamps outside.

On social media, these individuals would ask their followers who is selling food stamps despite not being financially crippled to depend on government aid.

For users who are not aware of food stamps, this is a government program to help struggling seniors/households use SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) to buy food.

Screenshot from benefits.gov

These abusive people involved gang life and animal abuse (Jarod Williams and Carolyn Hoard) are not poor. Before I exposed them on Tumblr and Twitter, they were boastfully flashing money on Instagram in their posts and IG stories.

These were all taken in 2020 – 2021, with nofiltermonte/Demonte’s screenshot being the latest. I tried warning people online of food stamps fraud being committed by these individuals, and here is proof with evidence of them having money.

Carolyn Hoard flashing money in 2020.
Demonte Williams flashing money under different username.
Jarod Williams sharing his current savings.

When me and my relatives were trying to seek help when these same people pictured shot our house in May 2015, I began searching social media to find more information on Carolyn/Demonte/Dazjah’s friends. Dekalb County East Precinct refused to help my household identify their friends like Marcus Butler, Nicholas Stewart and Steven Matthews.

I then learned they were posing with guns, money and drugs like Xanax, Fentanyl and Promethazine. Activities they were doing while they lived in this subdivision. That is why I began watching their accounts and share what they do online to prove to the police and users who doubted my story. They have enough money to flaunt their purchases like expensive coats, bags and guns on Instagram and I am certain other sites.

If these criminals can do this on social media, why do they need food stamps? There are over 40% of homeless American citizens, those people need food stamps more.

Screenshot is from endhomelessness.org

If my blog post can reach any user, please contact Department of Human and Services in Georgia. I contacted their email form many times.


Update on animal cruelty involving Jarod Williams.

Disclaimer: The images may be uncomfortable for some viewers. I blurred two images due to the graphic nature. I had to share what type of abuser Jarod Williams is.

Salutation to the reader, I want to provide an update on this situation regarding reporting an animal abuser from Instagram, who is a felon, gang member and dangerous. As of November 30, 2021, I have not seen an arrest made for Williams and his Instagram account is not found. I need help please, I need people to share this and pressure the Dekalb or Fulton police to arrest this man for being involved with animal cruelty.

The local authorities have yet to arrest Jarod for participating in dog fights and asking for dog fights on social media. I contacted many organizations such as Atlanta Humane Society, Stand Up For Pits, Peta and Dekalb East Precinct more than once to rescue Williams remaining dogs. Jarod continued to upload videos in his stories of dog fighting, dogs inside a bloody shed and has shared images of dead dogs/animals (presumably some ritual involving animal sacrifice.) Here is additional proof from my last post. I will not share the video, but screenshots with the date:

After Williams shared pictures of dead animals and wishing death on people, I shared to Instagram as the content was immensely disturbing. I was advised not to report his account until he has been arrested, but I felt the death threats were alarming enough to not report. Since Jarod is an attention seeker who loves social media like his relatives, I am certain he made another account.

The screenshots above are what Jarod shared before his account disappeared, to prove what type of individual he is. He claims to love dogs, and yet he shared an image of dead dogs in a bowl in the first image and a dead goat in the second.

The year is close to an end, and yet there were no signs of an arrest or an investigation on this man’s account. He had enough time to confess he was a bloods gang member again, that he is selling food stamps and other disturbing content.

Jarod, his sisters (Dazjah Williams, Carolyn Hoard) and brothers (Demonte Williams, Daquez Johnson) are all dangerous and no one is trying to investigate them! I am worried for the dogs in his company, and criminal activity that the police deliberately ignored for so long. Please, please help me bring attention to my blog posts and the evidence I shared. The dogs are to me in danger.

The Struggle of reporting animal abuse | Jarod Williams doing dog fights.

Salutation to the viewer, I want to share my experience with trying to report animal cruelty on Instagram, not receiving immediate help and going to other platforms to bring awareness to a registered felon doing dog fights on social media.

To provide information on this individual, Jarod Demon Williams is a descendant of the neighbors who harassed, stalked and shot my residence in 2013 and 2015. When Jarod was released from jail in 2014, he joined his relatives in harassing us and on May 17, 2014 my relatives contacted police for help when Jarod, his younger brother Demonte Williams and friends (some we identified as Daja Cook and Morgan Theresa Heron) were playing outside at night, drinking and chasing each other with a taser while coming on to our property despite being told in 2013 to never trespass again. The group called my relatives snitches, Morgan saying to spit on our driveway to provoke us and constant profanity.

Back to the Instagram problem, on October 21, 2018 Jarod shared a video in his Instagram story asking his followers who does dog fights and who wants to fight his pitbull.

Jarod Williams asking followers who does dog fights.

I chose to save the story as evidence in hopes to share with people to help the pitbulls and show these people who terrorized my house are not good people.

One week and two days later Jarod uploaded a video of his pitbull biting at the collar of another pitbull, laughing in the background of the animal yelping. Since there is no signs of blood and gore, I chose to share the video here.

Jarod Demon Williams uploaded a video laughing at a yelping pitbull.

Here, you can see Carolyn Hoard (Jarod’s sister) liking this video, confirming she knew of the incident and possibly was there when this video was recorded. I know Jarod’s other relatives knew of what Jarod shared. I believe her voice is also heard in the video with the yelping pitbull.

I am certain since Jarod follows his relatives and some of the people we encountered when they lived across the street, I know the saw the video considering how long the video was up.

Williams followed his sibling’s classmates like Sindou/sinnyy or Madison Jackson luhmadd, with Jackson seen in 2013 with Carolyn mocking my relatives.

Here are the screenshots where Jarod confesses his pitbull killed four dogs.

Since Jarod uploaded this type of content, I tried reporting the video since the upload date and asking for help on animal rescue pages. Some people did, but obviously the reporting did not help since his account was up to this year. Instagram did not also have an option to report animal abuse in 2018 as the site does now, which made the problem worse when a company is apathetic to users reporting violent content toward innocent animals.

Here is proof from old petitions demanding Instagram to add an report animal abuse option, and an article discussing Instagram’s animal cruelty problem:

I did ask the police for help, but both Peta and authorities asked me “do you know the address of where the animals are being abused?” which is not an easy task to know unless clues are left or support helps you find the address. I did not cease reporting that video since I care for dogs and detest dog fighting, but doing so discreetly was not working for me and the coward changed his username constantly to possibly avoid being reported again. Instagram’s incompetent staff allowed users to abuse the name change to where abusers changed their username with no delays. I have witnessed the abuse toward hacked victims and art thieves, and after doing research I see the problem extends to animal abuse.

As of September 1, 2021, Jarod continues to be on Instagram despite asking Peta once more for help. Three years to bring attention to an individual who hurts pitbulls but claims to love them.

I asked PETA to help, and they informed me they will do what they can. If my blog post will reach an individual (I am certain the stalking gang member lackeys will) please help bring awareness to this story. These precious dogs deserve to be rescued.